Sunday, March 30, 2014


As part of our look at autumn we looked closely at a pumpkin - describing what we could see, wondering why Mrs Gleeson had brought it in and tell each other what we know about pumpkins.  The pumpkin had been sitting on the painting table as an invitation to have a go at painting it.  

There’s a pumpkin – why do think I’ve put the pumpkin out?
JM so we can have a look at it
Jake so we can shoot away
Sophia so we can see how big it is
Ginny – so we can look at it # because it has holes in it
JY pass
Haylin so we can be happy # because it’s orange
Daniella so share with it # we can put our hands up and tell what it looks like
Coben – we can paint it and have a happy face when we paint it
Lucas so we can see the stuff on it # green stuff
Harrison – so we can pass it # because we can share it
Madison – we can put it in the garden
Samantha – so we can look at it and pass it to each other
Charlotte – we could roll it like a game
Bella – we could paint it and put a happy face on it
Emily because we could look and see what it is like on it
Jimmy – there’s a green bit on the top # so we can have a look at it
Adam – I think you put it out so we could have a look at all the beautiful colours on it
Toby – I think you put it out so we can cut it open and have a look at it.

Tell me what you know about pumpkins
Toby they grow under ground
Adam it looks like there is a big seed inside it
Harrison it grows in the garden
JM cut some eyes out and put a mouth and put it on a scarecrow
Jimmy – there’s lots of seeds inside pumpkins
Lucas it’s got lots of orange on it
Bella because it has lots of brown holes # we can eat them
Ginny I know it’s orange
Madison – it’s heavy
Sophia – because that we can cut it and look inside it
Harrison – we dig them up
Jake – because we look at the marks of it
Coben – the green is like beans
Lucas – that’s why it’s got a little bit green on the top # it looks like …
Daniella – it looks like there’s a seed on the top of the green
JY – it’s got holes on it
Charlotte – the whole pumpkin when it’s almost the end of summer # it grows into a normal pumpkin
Samantha – they grow under ground
Emily I know about pumpkins because they have little lines on them
Haylin – it’s got some little holes.

We went outside to see the pumpkins growing in the gardens to clarify the children’s understandings about where pumpkins grow.  Some thought underground.  Unfortunately the pumpkins had all been removed.  Some children said their families were growing pumpkins.  Most of the ‘what I know’ came from their observation of the pumpkin in front of them.  They were not able to bring forward ideas about their experiences with pumpkins other than the one in front of them. 

# Indicates teacher prompt for clarification or more information.

For our display we have put the pumpkins onto the vines - then we noticed "something is missing." We realised we need to add leaves to our plant to help it grow.
The pumpkin patch

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