Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I see, think, wonder

This will be our I see, think and wonder picture this week.  I wonder what you can see.  Send us a comment and tell us what you think.

Monday, February 24, 2014

No Goat Zone

We read the story The No Goat Zone

What plan would you suggest to the townsfolk to keep the goats out of their food supplies?

T - put hay bales down … for the goats to eat
AI would have the food and then the bricks for the road for the city – they would be the bricks so they don’t come and eat the vegetables in the world.
J I would put fences around them (the goats) so they wouldn’t go out into the city
J I would put a wall -  build bricks and put them over the bridge and lock them in a house (them = the goats)
H we could use scary voices and put fire around them.
S we could just pick grass in our hands, put it all around the goats and they can eat it.
M they could put food on the path to get them distracted
C to build a tall brick wall for the big goats and a little one for the baby goats
C we put a ‘no goat’ sign on the city so they don’t come back
L put bricks around … ( the goats)
H they can put bricks … at the end where the door is.
E we could put a brick fence and some barrels to stop them from going to the city
G I would put grass around them – a big barrel of grass so they can eat that.
D they can put bricks over the city so the goats can never go to the city again they can stay in their (own) city.
B they can build a gate and a fence so that they can’t get out and they can lock it so they can’t get out and go to the village
S we can lock them out of the village and put them into a farm
J we could put a wall behind so they can’t jump it.
A can’t jump over the fence and they have some big stones

Friday, February 21, 2014


We read the book Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.
This is the story a little mouse with a very long name.  She and her family loved her name. She loved the way it sounded and the way it looked when it was written.  When she started school the other children were not so kind about her name.

Our poem for week 2, was about our names. 


Welcome to the 2014 school year. 
We will be enjoying the use of Room 5 as our Sensory Room for weeks 2 and 3.  The children will get the opportunity to explore, experience and use a wide range of different materials and objects.  The purpose of this room is to engage the children with the materials, encourage them to describe them using interesting language and to use the materials to make 'compositions', which will be photographed and then returned for others to use.

Week 4 we will be visiting Willowbank Wildlife Reserve.

We will also begin our Perceptual Motor Programme.
This programme involves using equipment such as beams, mats, tunnels, ball, hoops, ropes to develop children's skills in moving, balance, fine motor, gross motor skills, etc.

Room 1's library day is Thursday.
Team Rata Assembly is Wednesday, 2.30 p.m.
Whole School Assembly is Friday, 9.00 a.m.